The slow zondagsjogger is just as healthy as the sports fanatic. One hour a week of jogging is enough to get the life-arguably at a time. More or less running takes virtually no extra health gain from it.

That’s according to a study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, in which 14 of the previous studies under the microscope were taken. Together they are good for about 230,000 surveyed people in between the 5.5 and 35 years of age were followed.

The bottom line on that? The people who every week go jogging and have a 27 percent less chance of a premature death. In concrete terms, they have a 30 percent less chance of cardiovascular disease and a 23% less chance of developing cancer. Longer, faster, or a couple of times a week, jog on those numbers had little impact.

for Less for jogging or walking, which also leads to less health, but to emphasise that the researchers will, therefore, result.

While the study is taking into account age, gender, state of health, weight, and lifestyle of the participants, the researchers admit that the figures are not infallible. More research is still needed. However, the idea that a lake, by definition, will lead to a healthier body, may be in the garbage can.

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