Donald Trump is a “strange figure”, it is the man, according to Theo Francken (N-VA), a great American president. That said Francken, in an interview on Sunday. “He does have a vision, a direction, an agenda.”

now, Francken sees the particular loaf of bread is in the simplicity of the Home. “Just before the elections, every American will have a letter sent to several commitments. They were quite simply drawn. A build a wall on the Mexican border. Not the new wars are concerned. As a firm, the tax reduction for the companies. Name a few things. Today, those who read the letter look at it, you will see that he quite realized it. He has to really have a vision, a direction, an agenda. He will do what he has promised.”

Francken is not to be found in the image of the American president as a misguided missile. “It is, especially in the media. I really like the coverage of American politics is often schabouwelijk. The media have pre-decided that Obama is God, the Father, and He is the reincarnation of the devil on earth. They will do anything to get that image attached to them.”

He is, according to Francken also under-reported. “That’s his strength. He is on the side of the little guy, and for the people. He is the enemy of the establishment. For the people that like it. I had also been looking? I’m still not crazy, right? (laughs) I don’t think the comparison is valid.”

“Sublime communications”

However, it has Francken in his own words, of He learned. “The way he’s getting involved in politics does it, it is pretty clever if you ask me. Direct communication, for example, through social media. I think that’s smart. He is sublime in its simplicity. He sends simple messages to the world in a paper for the mouth. He has just left its mark on the political life in America and beyond.”

Nevertheless, Francken also have a few concerns. “I think he’s a bully. He may be too brutal for the president. The current band of former employees, and journalists to name-calling, for example, that won’t be necessary.”

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