Uribes picks up in September as negotiations with the baroness Thyssen we are Not in a position to offer 7 million
Uribes picks up in September as negotiations with the baroness Thyssen we are Not in a position to offer 7 million

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The minister of Culture and Sport, is José Manuel Rodríguez Uribes , has advance the negotiations by the particular collection of the baroness Thyssen will start again in September, although advancing that the current situation “is not the last year” and will be negotiated “in worse conditions”.

The former minister of Culture José Guirao already explained that he was about to reach an agreement with the baroness at the end of last year for a rental of 7 million euros annually for 15 years –renewable for another five years–. “What we do advancement is that seven million euros, after a pandemic, we are not in a position to offer,” said in an interview with Europa Press, the minister.

“it Is true that the situation of the State, the Government and the Ministry of Culture is not this year, of the past, it was much better. We negotiate in worse conditions, but I hope to reach an agreement and we will see you at the beginning of September: we have the whole month to close some kind of agreement,” he added.

Uribes has shown “the best intentions” to have these conversations, because you understand that you “live a time of agreements and needed agreements generous”. Within these negotiations, it will also discuss on the possibility of including the ” Mata Mua “, box that came out of the collection in the early years.

however, the minister has remembered that Carmen Thyssen-bornemisza has a “right to the exit, with all their boxes”, because they are private property. In the case of the “Mata Mua”, has stated that the departure occurred prior to his arrival at the ministry. “(The output) is produced by administrative silence, and after we ratify that decision, following the principle that the administration will never go against its own acts”, has nuanced.

Uribes has reiterated that what we will talk about is the private collection the baroness “for many years, generous has had in the museum.” “From time to time, ask for a compensation and this is to speak of that compensation. We will talk and see who is available to her, on the basis of a reality that is different to that of last year,” he asserted.

last June, we knew that the Executive extended until the 30th of September 2020 the State’s guarantee for the 425 works that form part of the Thyssen. However, this extension no longer appeared in the play “Mata Mua”, of Paul Gauguin , from the beginning of the month of June it was known that he had left the museum.

So, these works secured on this occasion they are a less with respect to the previous extension, and the value granted by the State to the set of works –without the above-mentioned piece– is of 25.7 million less than: 390,6 million euros of the previous warranty passes to 364,9 million euros of the current.

in Addition to the “Mata Mua”, are excluded from the new warranty the three works that were already out in the previous agreement, and also that you have left the premises of the museum: “racehorses in a landscape”, from Degas ; “Martha Mckeen of Wellfleet”, from Hopper , and “The bridge of Charing Cross”, from Monet , as he picked up Europa Press, the guarantee agreement, in effect until September 30, 2020.

The situation of the SGAE

on the other hand, the minister has also referred to the current situation of the SGAE, entity, where, after its recent approval of the statutes, “is starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.” “I am glad that you are doing the better job, because we need the management entities,” he said.

Uribes has been argued that since the Ministry is going from “always from the principle of legality” and as a proof of this is that “when things were going badly, he has performed with the rigour that the law demands”. “If the assembly went well and carry out their duties with transparency, and those basic principles that we apply to all, best for the SGAE, the Ministry, and for Spain,” he concluded.

In this sense, has pointed out that “at the end is that things work properly,” and since Culture is always to help to things done well”. In any case, has said that it has not ruled on dismissing the judicial process to the intervention of the entity, initiated by the previous minister.

“we’ll See in each moment what we have to do depending on the specific circumstances. What I am saying is that if you start to do things well, much better and promote a peaceful solution and adequate. That is always better than the performance in the courts, that is the last resort, although this ministry when you had to do what he has done”, he concluded.

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