The price boom has not spared McDonald’s either. The price of fries has increased almost threefold since 1991. The situation is no different for other popular products such as hamburgers and cheeseburgers.

Gone are the days when hamburgers, cheeseburgers, etc. were available for 1 euro (as an offer in the 2000s). The fast food chain has also repeatedly raised its prices significantly in recent years. In 1991, a hamburger cost 2.20 DM (1.10 euros), in 2001 it was a cheaper 1.95 DM (around 1 euro) and in 2010 you could get a hamburger for an unbeatable euro. In 2023, the price was 1.99 euros.

This means that a hamburger is now 30 percent more expensive than in 2001 and 40 percent more expensive than in 2010. The situation is similar with the cheeseburger. From 1991 to 2011 the burger cost 2.25 DM (around 1.12 euros), in 2010 it was 1.19 euros and in 2023 it will be 2.19 euros.

The price increase compared to 2001 is 24 percent and compared to 2010 it is 32 percent. If you like fries, you will have to dig deeper into your pockets. A medium portion of fries cost 2.20 DM (1.10 euros) in 1991, 2.90 DM (1.45 euros) in 2001 and 1.89 euros in 2010.

In 2023, they would have to pay 3.29 euros for the fries. Medium-sized fries have thus seen some of the highest price increases, at 53 percent compared to 1991, 45 percent compared to 2001 and 31 percent compared to 2010.

Other popular McDonald’s products have also become significantly more expensive since the early 1990s. There was no Big Mac menu in 1991. In 2001 it cost 7.99 DM (around 4 euros), in 2010 it was 6.50 euros and in 2023 it will be a whopping 8.99 euros.

That’s an increase of 43 percent compared to 2001. In 1991, 20 Chicken Mc Nuggets cost 10.40 DM (5.20 euros), in 2001 for 10.90 DM (around 6 euros) and in 2010 for 7.29 euros. In 2023, the price was 9.99 euros.

Here too, the price has risen by 17 percent compared to 2010. In 2001, the McFlurry ice cream cost 2.99 DM (around 1.50 euros), in 2010 it was 1.99 euros, and in 2023 it will be a whopping 3.79 euros. This means that the ice cream is now 61 percent more expensive than in 2001 and 45 percent more expensive than in 2010.

The prices shown here are not adjusted for inflation. A Reddit user researched the prices using photos of the price boards on social media, among other things. These are average market prices.