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Three, two, one… Declare! Who says spring, also says tax season, with the tax return for the month of April. Every year, it’s the same thing, you must report any change in situation or resources to the tax authorities and the latter will then adjust – up or down – the amount of your income tax. Who is affected by this statement? As the Public Service website explains, you must disclose your income if you are in one of the following situations:

If millions of French people have been used to declaring their income in paper format, by the end of 2024 everyone will have to do it online. To do this, you must have in your possession your tax number, your online access number and a reference tax income. Then simply connect to your personal space, access the “declare” section and then fill in the categories that concern you. You don’t have a tax number yet? According to the Public Service website, you can request it “from your personal tax department at the counter or from a form available in the ‘contact’ section of the website”.

The declaration of your 2022 income lets you know the rate of withholding tax that will apply from next August. Your tax notice, when it comes to him, will be sent at the end of July. Attention, it will be necessary to verify all the information contained therein. If you find an error, “you can make a correction directly online” until the middle of December.

To avoid errors or problems with the tax authorities, it is better to respect the tax declaration deadlines. Here are the different dates to remember for the months of April and May.