
Republican Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina, who is being considered as a potential running mate for former President Donald Trump, has made his first formal endorsement in a Senate race for the upcoming elections. Scott has endorsed former Rep. Mike Rogers of Michigan, who is the front-runner in the Republican primary to succeed Sen. Debbie Stabenow, a Democrat who is not seeking re-election.

Scott praised Rogers’ commitment to serving the American people and expressed confidence in his ability to bring servant leadership to the U.S. Senate. Rogers, an Army veteran and former FBI special agent, has also received endorsements from the National Republican Senatorial Committee and former President Trump.

In addition to Scott’s endorsement, Rogers has garnered support from seven other Republican senators, as well as former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and former Detroit police chief James Craig. However, Rogers faces competition in the primary from businessman Sandy Pensler, former Rep. Justin Amash, and others.

The primary in Michigan is set for August 6, and Republicans are hopeful that they can win a Senate election in the state for the first time in thirty years. Despite his unsuccessful 2024 presidential bid, Scott remains a popular and influential figure in the Republican Party. He has a strong track record of fundraising and supporting fellow GOP candidates.

In the 2022 election cycle, Scott raised significant funds for other candidates and donated generously to down-ballot races. He also played a key role in supporting top Senate and House races through outside groups aligned with him. Additionally, a super PAC affiliated with Scott has committed to spending $14 million to help Republicans gain support among Black voters.

Scott’s endorsement of Rogers highlights the importance of the upcoming Senate races for Republicans as they aim to regain the majority in the Senate. With Scott’s support and the backing of prominent party figures, Rogers is positioned as a strong contender in the Michigan primary. The outcome of this race will be closely watched as part of the GOP’s efforts to flip key Senate seats in the November elections.