Two bouncers beat up a German holidaymaker in the Bierkönig on Mallorca, breaking his nose and ribs. After returning to Germany, the couple now describe the horror night they experienced and make serious accusations. Meanwhile, the bar is taking the first steps.

A couple from Cologne wanted to spend four days on holiday in Mallorca, explore the island and enjoy the beautiful landscape. They also planned an evening at the Bierkönig – a party to unwind.

But the party turned into a horror evening: The Cologne resident (31) was suddenly attacked by bouncers and brutally beaten. The holiday ended with a broken rib and nose – and a deep shock.

What happened? EXPRESS spoke to the couple, who wish to remain anonymous. “We had barely been in the Bierkönig for five minutes when we walked past two bouncers at a bar,” recalls the Cologne man’s girlfriend (23). Both of them were already giving the couple strange looks. “And suddenly one of them grabbed my bottom.”

The friend then tried to confront the man, and the bouncer suddenly became aggressive. “When my friend asked why he did that, he replied that he didn’t speak his shitty language.”

Then the situation escalated: the bouncer pushed the man from Cologne, who then pushed him back. A fight broke out. “He beat up my friend, punched him in the face. When he was lying on the ground, he continued to kick him in the side. The whole floor was covered in blood.” Other bouncers held the man down during this time.

When the man from Cologne tried to call the police, the employees of the Bierkönig suddenly took his cell phone away and led the couple to a side entrance of the bar. “Luckily I still had my own cell phone with me and was able to call the police,” explains his girlfriend.

When the bouncers noticed this, they quickly tried to wash the blood off the Cologne man to cover up the crime. “Then they threw us out onto the street!” Fortunately, many Germans there were very helpful, fetching water and offering support.

The man from Cologne was taken to hospital and diagnosed with a broken nose and ribs. The German couple filed a complaint. The police arrested two bouncers for assault and sexual harassment. Both men are now being investigated. Both bouncers deny the charges.

The Bierkönig itself has also drawn consequences and fired the bouncers – both are never to enter the bar again, according to the “Mallorca Zeitung”.

The Cologne couple have been back home since Thursday evening, and the shock is still deep. “My boyfriend can’t sleep anymore, he has to take strong painkillers every three hours,” his girlfriend explains. He is still being treated in a hospital in Cologne. “He also wants to start therapy to deal with everything.” One thing is clear to both of them: “To be honest, we don’t want to be in Mallorca anymore.”

By Martin Gätke (mg)

A farmer found the body of a child in a meadow in the Stade district of Lower Saxony. Police confirmed on Thursday that the dead child was Arian, who has been missing since April.

The German Weather Service is currently warning of severe thunderstorms in large parts of Germany. You can read all about the current situation in the weather ticker.

The original of this article “Bierkönig bouncers beat up German, now victim’s girlfriend speaks out” comes from