An unknown person sprayed pepper spray at a secondary school in Dortmund. Several students suffered minor injuries. The investigation into the perpetrator is ongoing.

35 pupils at a secondary school in Dortmund were slightly injured by pepper spray on Thursday. An as yet unknown person sprayed the irritant gas in the school’s stairwell, police said. According to initial findings, the suspect could be a pupil.

Teachers at the school evacuated the affected area and brought the students outside, the fire department said. Several students complained of irritation in their eyes and respiratory tract.

They were examined and treated on site. Transport to a hospital was not necessary. A rescue helicopter that was alerted and landed nearby was also not needed.

The affected area of ​​the school building was able to be handed back over to the school administration after it had been aired out. The parents of the students were informed of the incident by the school, it was said. According to the police, investigations into the exact course of events and suspects are ongoing.

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