
“The Last One” aired on May 6, 2004, marking the end of the beloved sitcom “Friends.” The show followed the lives of six 20-somethings in New York City, played by Matthew Perry, Matt LeBlanc, Courteney Cox, Jennifer Aniston, David Schwimmer, and Lisa Kudrow. The smart writing and flawless performances by the ensemble cast led to the show’s lasting popularity.

Although “Friends” was filmed in California, it has made New York City a must-visit destination for fans around the world. Here are five NYC tourist sites that highlight the show’s enduring appeal:

1. The Friends Experience: This interactive attraction in Manhattan offers fans a museum of “Friends” memorabilia, including the iconic orange couch and Rachel’s cow jacket.

2. The apartment building at 90 Bedford St.: Fans paid tribute to Matthew Perry outside the Greenwich Village building, which served as the exterior of the characters’ apartment on the show.

3. The ‘Friends’ fountain: While the show’s opening credits feature a fountain that resembles the one in Cherry Hill Fountain in Central Park, the actual scene was filmed in Los Angeles.

4. Chandler’s office: The Solow Building at 9 West 57th St. in Midtown Manhattan served as the setting for Chandler’s job as a “transpondster” in the series.

5. Ross’s museum: Although the New York Museum of Prehistoric History where Ross worked is fictional, the American Museum of Natural History along Central Park stood in for it on the show.

These NYC locations offer fans a chance to immerse themselves in the world of “Friends” and relive iconic moments from the show. Despite the series ending in 2004, its legacy continues to attract visitors and keep the spirit of the sitcom alive in the hearts of fans worldwide.