
A family in Virginia discovered an 84-year-old biscuit in their grandmother’s freezer. The biscuit was found while they were cleaning out the freezer after their grandmother’s passing. The biscuit was made by Mrs. Dara L Chambers in August 1940 at the Blankenship home.

The family was puzzled by why the biscuit was kept for so long and who made it. They reached out to the grandmother’s sister for more information and learned that it was made by their grandmother’s brother’s first wife’s family. The biscuit was likely from her last batch.

The family still does not know why their grandmother kept the biscuit for so long or when she acquired it. They believe that after the grandmother’s brother passed away, she picked up the biscuit and kept it in her freezer. Despite its age, the biscuit was found in good condition, preserved by the freezer.

The family plans to keep the biscuit in the freezer for now and enjoy the memories it brings of their grandmother. The discovery of the biscuit has helped keep their grandmother’s memory alive as they deal with their grief. They have enjoyed reminiscing about their grandmother and the family history associated with the biscuit.

Overall, the family finds the discovery of the 84-year-old biscuit to be a unique and unexpected experience that has brought them closer together during a difficult time. The biscuit serves as a reminder of their grandmother’s love and generosity. Despite its age and peculiar context, the biscuit has become a cherished family relic that will be remembered for years to come.