
Nickelodeon Animation and Hasbro’s Entertainment One have recently launched the highly anticipated second season of Transformers: Earthspark, now available for streaming on Paramount+ since 7 June 2024. The renowned Indian animation studio, 88 Pictures, took to LinkedIn to express their excitement and pride in being part of this visual extravaganza.

The team at 88 Pictures, spanning across Toronto, Mumbai, Bengaluru, and Hyderabad, dedicated their skills and creativity to breathe life into the beloved Transformers universe once again. They acknowledged the hard work and commitment of their employees, recognizing their contribution to making this season a true visual masterpiece.

In season two, the storyline unfolds as the Emberstone shatters, setting off a race against time for the Autobots to retrieve all the pieces before the Decepticons seize them. The artefact holds immense power, and the stakes are high as the characters embark on a thrilling journey filled with twists and turns.

Viewers can expect to witness Robby forming a special connection, Mo unraveling a long-lost secret in Witwicky, and the Terrans stepping up their game in the battle for survival. The collaboration between the Malto family and the Autobots showcases the lengths they are willing to go to protect their world and everything they hold dear.

Throughout the season, the Maltos, Terrans, and Autobots join forces in a frantic search for the missing Emberstone pieces, determined to outsmart the Decepticons and safeguard the relic’s potent energy. The race against time intensifies as they strive to secure each shard before their adversaries gain control over its power.

The initial nine episodes of the second season premiered exclusively on Paramount in the US and Canada on 7 June, followed by a release in the UK, Australia, and Italy on 8 June. Fans can anticipate further updates on additional territories and episodes to be announced in due course, promising more action-packed adventures to come.