
9/11 Pilot Shares ‘Life-Changing’ Experience in Musical Depicting Gander’s Kindness

A heartwarming and emotional musical based on the true events following the 9/11 attacks is set to take place in Dublin next month. Come From Away tells the story of how a small Canadian town, Gander, opened their hearts and homes to thousands of stranded travellers when flights were diverted after the tragic events of September 11th.

What Inspired the Musical Come From Away?

The musical Come From Away is inspired by the incredible kindness and generosity shown by the people of Gander, Newfoundland, in the aftermath of 9/11. The main character, pilot Beverley Bass, recounts her experience of being diverted to Gander along with thousands of other passengers and crew members. The musical shines a light on the compassion and selflessness displayed by the residents of Gander during a time of crisis.

Impact of Come From Away on Audiences Worldwide

Come From Away has been described as a life-changing experience by those who have seen it. The story of Gander’s hospitality and the touching interactions between the locals and the stranded travellers have left a lasting impact on audiences around the world. The musical serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of kindness and empathy, even in the face of tragedy.