The Flemish negotiators focus this weekend on the eu budget for the next period. It is notable that the N-VA was no longer at all costs, adhere to a balanced budget as of the beginning of the period. That is, write The Time on Saturday.
It is an equilibrium for two reasons: not a fetish any more. The three parties to the negotiating table, the N-VA, Open VLD and CD&V would, from next year, the woonbonus to abolish in return for the registration fee on the purchase of a home to decrease. That will cost you in the short term, a lot of money, as well as the revenue from the registration fees, immediately, removed, by the end of the woonbonus long-term savings.
SEE ALSO. More difficult to a degree by the Ham and I: how the government studieregels want to verstrengen (+)
in Addition, the government is the same as if you make additional investments in, among others, in the school building, and the gehandicaptensector. Therefore, it is possible to start with, in the course of the term, an equilibrium is reached.
“The goal is clear: we want to be as fast as possible to a balanced budget, and any deficit, should be as small as possible,” says the N-VA. “But the one in deficit, the other is not. There is a difference between being in the red because you’re, for example, lack of income, or because you deliberately want to invest in. If it is your major investment, even at the red start, may be, but that’s no reason to make that investment?”
The first word in the toponderhandelaars the budget still needs to be said. Only in the future, the Flemish prime minister Jan Jambon (N-VA) are on the basis of bilateral negotiations with the partijtoppers for each of the parties to the red line. As well as Open Vld and CD&V) do not affect what is in the budget balance from the beginning of the period, the N-VA, the door is open.
for More on the Flemish government, the Flemish government will probably still have a week to wait for more Difficult to a degree by the Ham and I: how the government studieregels want to verstrengen Ham and I, next week, a fact not Even the Flemish government, therefore, “come Monday, no Septemberverklaring”