
President Biden’s Confusion at Press Conference with India PM Leads to ‘Who’s Next?’ Outburst

President Biden found himself in an embarrassing situation during a press conference alongside India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday, where he became confused and lost track of events. The incident occurred in Wilmington, Delaware, when Biden was supposed to introduce Prime Minister Modi but instead seemed to think he was waiting for a question from reporters.

As an announcer finally introduced Modi following an uncomfortable pause, Biden’s confusion was evident as he stated, “I want to thank you all for being here. Now, who am I introducing next?” This led to an awkward moment where he shouted, “Who’s next?” before an announcer had to step in to introduce Modi, who approached Biden and shook his hand.

The gaffe came just one day after Biden faced criticism for allowing First Lady Jill Biden to run a cabinet meeting on Friday. During the cabinet meeting, which was the first time Biden had convened his Cabinet since October 2, 2023, the first lady joined him to discuss the White House Initiative on Women’s Health Research. This move raised eyebrows and sparked controversy, with many questioning the extent of the first lady’s influence over the administration.

President Biden explained Jill Biden’s presence at the meeting by highlighting the importance of the issue she was about to speak on. He handed off the floor to his wife, stating, “It’s all yours, kid,” as she proceeded to speak about progress made by the White House Initiative on Women’s Health Research. However, reports indicated that she spoke for a significantly longer time than the president, reading from a binder about maternal health initiatives for over four minutes.

The New York Post noted the unusual seating arrangement at the cabinet meeting, with Jill Biden positioned at the head of the table typically occupied by the president, while the president sat elsewhere. This departure from tradition added to the scrutiny surrounding the first lady’s involvement in official government proceedings.


Biden’s Confusion at Press Conference
First Lady Jill Biden’s Role in Cabinet Meeting
Controversy Surrounding First Lady’s Influence

The presence of Jill Biden at the cabinet meeting reignited debates about the extent of her influence over President Biden and his administration. Many commentators took to social media to criticize her involvement, with some likening her to Edith Wilson, who was known for tightly controlling access to her husband, President Woodrow Wilson, following his stroke in 1919.

The New York Post went as far as to describe Jill Biden as “the most influential first lady since Edith Wilson,” suggesting that her role in the administration may extend beyond traditional expectations. This perception of significant influence has raised concerns among critics about potential conflicts of interest and the blurring of lines between political roles within the White House.

Despite the backlash and scrutiny, President Biden’s administration has stood by the first lady’s participation in the cabinet meeting, citing the importance of the issue she addressed. However, the controversy surrounding her involvement continues to fuel speculation about the dynamics of power and decision-making within the Biden administration.

Overall, the incidents involving President Biden’s confusion at the press conference and the first lady’s prominent role in the cabinet meeting have highlighted the complexities and challenges of leadership in the current political landscape. As the administration faces ongoing scrutiny and criticism, it remains to be seen how these events will impact public perception and the future direction of the presidency.