
Pint-sized therapy ponies are bringing joy and humor to those in need through a special program that involves visiting hospitals, schools, and care homes. Owner Sarah Woodland, 42, received two mini Shetland ponies named Poppy and Tinks in the summer of 2022. These adorable ponies stand just 30 inches tall and love being fussed over.

Sarah initially started doing private one-on-one enrichment sessions with Poppy and Tinks before deciding to take them to a local care home to interact with residents and provide a mental health boost. The session was a success, leading Sarah to officially designate them as therapy ponies. Now, she takes the ponies to special schools, hospitals, and care homes to provide comfort and interaction for those who need it.

According to Sarah, interacting with the ponies serves as a form of communication for people who may have difficulty talking. It’s a way for individuals to connect and express themselves, almost like a form of love that encourages them to move and engage with their surroundings. Sarah runs Dinky Ponies from Oxfordshire and is passionate about the positive impact these animals have on people.

The idea of using ponies as therapy animals came to Sarah when she realized the profound effect they had on individuals during her private enrichment sessions. The therapy ponies offer a unique form of comfort and support, particularly for those who may be struggling with communication or mobility issues. Sarah believes that animals like Poppy and Tinks have a special way of knowing who needs to be comforted, which is why she decided to establish the therapy program.

The response to the therapy ponies has been overwhelming, with care homes, schools, and hospitals eager to have them visit. People of all ages enjoy meeting and stroking the ponies, benefiting from the calming and uplifting presence they bring. Sarah describes the connection between the ponies and the individuals they visit as profound and often unspoken, fueling her passion to continue providing these therapy sessions.

In addition to Poppy and Tinks, Sarah has expanded her therapy pony team to include Abby, Georgie, Gracie, Charm, and Evie. Each pony has its own unique qualities and strengths, but Poppy stands out as the superstar due to her natural ability to relax people and make them feel at ease. Sarah carefully selects which pony to bring to specific events based on the needs of the venue, ensuring that each visit is tailored to provide the most benefit.

The therapy ponies typically work one day a week to prevent them from becoming overburdened or over-petted. They have become so accustomed to their visits that they can even navigate elevators to reach children’s wards in hospitals, spreading joy and comfort wherever they go. Sarah is committed to continuing the therapy program for as long as possible, recognizing the positive impact the ponies have on people’s lives.

The success of the therapy pony program highlights the incredible bond between animals and humans, showcasing the power of empathy, communication, and connection. Through their interactions with these gentle creatures, individuals are able to experience moments of joy, relaxation, and companionship that have a lasting impact on their well-being. Sarah’s dedication to providing these therapy sessions underscores the importance of incorporating animal-assisted interventions into healthcare and wellness programs.