S Media, the company that was formed through the merger of De Persgroep Publishing, and Brussel, going to be the tv business journals and is therefore its organisation. The company wants to be up to 145 jobs within the of the classic television organisation, and support services, as stated on Tuesday, in a press release.
at the same time, the plant S Media in the creation of 50 new jobs, mostly in digital user profiles. “Where possible, the existing employees were the first to qualify for you to fill, you hear the sound of it.
“The tv market all over the world in full transformation,” said the company in a press release. “Traditional tv is still very popular, but it is a rapidly growing supplier of digital tv and the videoplatformen changes in the natural world, and the business model of television. The concurrentieveld has changed dramatically with the arrival of global players such as Netflix, Apple, and walt Disney.”
the Streaming
S Media, has invested in recent years heavily in digital transformation, among other things, free, video, VTM Change. “However, the local leadership, to ensure and to be able to compete with the big international players, choose, BATCH, Media, now, for a far-reaching digitalization and personalization of the television business.”
the programme is the development of a streamingplatform by a paid digital offerings on the domestic and foreign series and movies, “the so-called Flemish Netflix”. Also, the investment in advertising and datatechnologie is to be performed. Finally, there is the development of local content, the money is freed up.
145 jobs
in The works, was on Tuesday briefed on the plans, and the impact on the organization. It could be that there may be up to 145 jobs will vanish in the classic television organisation, as well as the support services. Also, within the management team and the management there changes.
”It is intended that the number of redundancies as much as possible. Along with the notice of intent to dismiss were in fact well over 50 new jobs announced, mainly on the digital profiles in the creative, business and technology teams. Where possible, the existing employees were the first to be eligible to fill them out.”
finally, The information and consultancy phase, in the framework of the law, the Renault was launched. The other BATCH of Media are not to be affected by the restructuring, is still there.
“No surprise,”
“I’m at the moment very little in substance to say about what is going on in the S Media,” says Jan Meeuwens, stable secretary of the BBTK in Brussels. “The message is that there is up to 145 jobs are at a stand, does not come all of a sudden, if you ask me.”
“It’s going to have to get two of the machines in the media industry, The press association, which is the VTM swallows it and include it in the Van Thillo empire. You can the operation be expected”, said Meeuwens. “On the other hand, I do think that this news is still yet to get to.”