
The Democratic Party in North Carolina is facing challenges as they try to increase voter turnout and compete with Republicans in the state. According to Thomas Mills, the founder of PoliticsNC, early voting and low African American voter turnout are two key issues that Democrats need to address quickly.

Republicans have historically not emphasized early voting in North Carolina, but this cycle, they are actively encouraging Republicans to vote early. As a result, Republicans are currently leading in early voting, raising questions about whether these are new voters or individuals who would have voted on Election Day.

In addition to early voting, low turnout among Black voters is another concern for Democrats in North Carolina. African Americans make up a significant portion of the Democratic coalition in the state, but there is currently a depressed turnout among this demographic. Mills emphasized the importance of engaging African American voters and increasing their turnout to secure Democratic support.

The recent impact of Hurricane Helene in North Carolina may also affect voter turnout in the state. Mills acknowledges that natural disasters can impact accessibility and distract individuals from voting as they focus on basic needs like water and power.

Overall, the Democratic Party in North Carolina faces challenges in increasing voter turnout and competing with Republicans in the state. By addressing issues related to early voting, African American voter turnout, and the impact of natural disasters on voter participation, Democrats can work towards securing support in the upcoming election.