CDU leader Merkel Then we lose the rank as peoples party
CDU leader Merkel Then we lose the rank as peoples party

There are very clear words from the Chancellor and CDU leader Angela Merkel has demanded an end to the internal party discussion over the poor Federal election result in 2017 – and, above all, on the refugee crisis of 2015 -. Sure, there are the migration policy problems, but above all, huge progress since 2015, Merkel said at the party Congress of the CDU in Thuringia in leinefelde-Worbis.

And further: “If we want to occupy us for the Rest of the decade, what went on in 2015, maybe so, or so and so all the pissing around, then we will lose the rank as people’s party,” warned the CDU leader. “Therefore, I urge that we now look to the future,” she added and pointed to about the necessary innovation policy.

fear is a bad Advisor

In her half-hour speech, Merkel came back several times to the point that the CDU should not deal too much with itself. “For a year we deal in a lot of to a great extent, whether or not we should be offended about the outcome of the election,” she said, with a view to the Bundestag election. Attractive to parties looking to the future with optimism for voters. “Just for that, we are chosen for anything else. The people want us to, that we look with Confidence to the future, to paint without us, the world is beautiful.” Fear is a bad counselor.

Merkel received a standing ovation of the Thuringian CDU delegates. Background of the reminders infighting within the CDU, and the repeated attacks of the CSU in the refugee policy. In Thuringia, the CDU chief Mike Mohring had previously demanded that the CDU would have to stop CSU and the Grand coalition, arguing constantly. He spoke against a staff debate in the CDU.

German economy Minister Peter Altmaier (CDU), rejects a debate about a premature detachment of Merkel or a coalition of fracture. He could recognize that it is “neither in the population nor in the party is a serious movement, to discuss the leadership issue, or the coalition question,” he said to the MIRROR. Therefore, the Alliance should be continued in the interest of the country.

personal discussion with the CSU

In the case of the sister party, the CSU is since the poor election result in Bavaria, however, a personal discussion is in full swing. With the CSU Swabia, the first large district Association is calling for a special Congress of the party, which is explicitly about the “preparation” for the coming years, decisions should be.

The outgoing President of the regional Parliament Barbara Stamm, as well as the CSU honorary Chairman Theo Waigel would welcome it if the Chairman of the EPP group in the European Parliament, Manfred Weber, brought up as a possible successor to Horst Seehofer, in the office of the party leaders in position. “My consent he would have,” she said to the MIRROR. “With Manfred Weber on the party tip and Markus Söder as Prime Minister would be under-represented in the CSU more bandwidth.” (Read more about it here.)
