The 22-year-old Italian, a promise by Giovanni Iannelli has died from his injuries after being badly crashed in a Training Bassa Valle Scrivia, in Molino dei Torti. In the sprint for the stage win on the race Track of the Molinese he got to 60 km/h for a pillar, and his head, and his face was bruised as it was.
Giovanni Iannelli was taken to the hospital in Barcelona, but succumbed to his serious injuries. Iannelli was a 22-year-old and pulled the t-shirt of the Hato-Green Tea-Beer for the team.
< / P>< / P>Una tragedia davvero incredibile per un ragazzo amato da tutti, e che aveva la passione della bicicletta, come tutta la sua famiglia
— Il Tirreno (@iltirreno) October 7, 2019
Forza Giovanni!
— ACCPI Assocorridori (@ACCPI1946) as of October 6, 2019
SEE ALSO. The 19-year-old Dutch rider, Edo Maas, was seriously wounded after a fall in the beloftenwedstrijd