The european Union warns of security risk from the 5G
The european Union warns of security risk from the 5G

In a new report that warned the European Union on Wednesday of the risks associated with the roll-out of 5G networks. By stating clearly and simply what the dangers might be on to 5G, “the new fabric of our societies and economies, like the Eu, member states and the Commission, by the end of this year and has a “toolbox” of solutions available.

For the avoidance of doubt, the trust in the EU in mobile networks of the fifth generation, continues to be very high. “They will have billions of objects and systems that connect with each other, including in critical sectors such as energy, transportation, banking, and healthcare, according to a new report. 5 g of Europe could also offer the chance to become a major player in the global market. The global revenue of 5 G may be of 225 billion euro by 2025. The benefits of the transition to 5G, in four key industry sectors – automotive, health care, transportation, and energy, can reach up to 114 million euros per year.”


However, great care must be taken, will teach in the European report, which is to be input, took on the risk estimates, that is, all the states are doing it for their own cyber security. As for the roll-out and operation of 5G networks is to be trusted specialist suppliers, which have the potential to be the gateway to cyber – and other attacks against European infrastructure. “Non-EU-countries, and abroad, ed.). state-sponsored actors are the most risky for actors to be considered”, reads the.

In the report, no names are mentioned, but the Chinese technologiegigant Smartphone, here’s the elephant in the room. In the United States of america to undertake long efforts of European policy makers to ensure that the roll-out of 5G networks is to make the Chinese network infrastructure that Huawei, in particular. At the end of september, warned Washington that the presence of Chinese 5G in Belgium, is a threat to NATO, in our country, its head office is based.
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