Case Khashoggi lrsquosaudi Arabia and the United States want to limit lrsquoimpact on the price of the peacutetrole
Case Khashoggi lrsquosaudi Arabia and the United States want to limit lrsquoimpact on the price of the peacutetrole

The case Khashoggi she will plunge the world of the oil in the storm ? The death of the journalist a saudi arabian critic of the regime of Riyadh, at the saudi consulate in Istanbul, Turkey, 2 October, is a test unexpected for one of the alliances most capitals of the world economy : the relationship between the United States and saudi Arabia.

Notwithstanding the international pressure, the us president, Donald Trump, has put several days before you condemn the power of saudi arabia. However, since Thursday, it has hardened the tone, ensuring that the consequences would be “very severe” if it was proven that the leaders of the kingdom wahhabi had a link with the death of Jamal Khashoggi.

in The United States, where saudi Arabia still has a bad press, especially in election period (the voting of the mid-term will be held on Tuesday 6 November), senators have called for an official investigation after the disappearance of the journalist. In the night from Friday to Saturday, the authorities in Riyadh have said, after several days of dilly-dallying, that Mr. Khashoggi was dead in the premises of the consulate the result of a “brawl” – a line of defence that seems very credible.

After the threats came from the other side of the Atlantic, the Saudis have immediately responded : “If the kingdom had to face any sanction, it would be even greater “, he was warned in a press release issued by the official agency SPA, emphasizing ” the vital role [played] saudi Arabia in the global economy “.

The reference to the oil weapon is transparent : with its huge reserves, the Gulf countries, provides 10 % of world production and retains its position as the largest exporter in the world. “We are the central bank of the oil market “, has again insisted the oil minister of saudi arabia, Khaled Al-Faleh, during a trip to…