At 9. February 2018 adopted by Gabi T. her husband, who on a luxury liner-cruise ship-AIDA Cruise, a journey to Southeast Asia. "I wanted to visit him two weeks later, on the ship, I have not made periodically, so that the longing becomes too great," tells Gabi the "image".
On the 21. February in the night, she receives his last message, he reported to the cabin to change. 45 hours later, the AIDA, the chief personnel officer and a chaplain, logs on to her and break the news that her husband had jumped overboard. Camera images confirm the Version. A Crew member of the blue man, the jumps of the Board into the water.
It took months until she was made the recording of the surveillance camera, reported the woman. Also, more Videos are held back still. Gabi was forced to act. Now FOCUS Online to subscribe to Google News!
passengers reports of disputes on Board
"I have discovered Mathias even in Germany, missing the LKA turned on, independently of contact to passengers." they should have reported their disputes to the Board. AIDA expects that the man had cut her wrists, and then the Board was cracked.
"But I know the long distances on the ship: with the blood of poor, none of the Deck 3 to Deck 5, and not at all unnoticed and without leaving a trace," does not want to accept the widow.
While her husband is in the last year actually had mental problems but was in treatment. A report certification that he is healthy, attestiere even "no evidence of suicidality."
At the request of the newspaper, it is called AIDA: "We regret the tragic incident extremely and thoughts are with the families. Of course, we have done everything in our Power to inform to quickly educate the public, and to support."
In the FOCUS Online/Wochit book by Watergate Reporter Woodward appalling conditions revealed in the White house, ak