The state-subsidised forms of tax relief to certain savings, with families in the ownership of real estate. This is done in one of two forms:
Get married couples in addition to their wage payments, so-called capital accumulation benefits, then the state helps with the employee savings allowance: a married couple you get up to a taxable annual income of € 35,800 (on a monthly basis 2.983 EUR). The Savings bonus is nine percent of the maximum funded savings total amount of 470 euros. This means: Married with two contracts get 84,60 Euro funding per year.In addition, there is the residential premium: savers 8.8 percent of their savings to get promoted, married couples have a maximum of 1024 Euro. The taxable income must not exceed a total of 51.200 Euro (monthly 4262,67 Euro). The funding amount per year to a maximum of 109 Euro.
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low-income earners from the real estate market
ausgeperrt The result of inadequate assistance, the taxpayer shall designate the real estate financier Alliance: “Despite the persistently low interest rate levels becoming less and less households acquire low-net income residential property,” such as the “Handelsblatt” from a market report cited.
The reason for this development lies in the massive increase in real estate prices. This highlights a recent study by the Federal Association of German people’s banks and Raiffeisen banks (BVR) in the early summer of 2018.
price increases up to 200 percent since 2007
In the six biggest German cities, the increase between the years 2015 and 2017, of 11.6 percent. "The rate of price increases exceeded the "Big 6" (Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Cologne, Frankfurt and Stuttgart), once again, the growth rates of important fundamentals such as disposable income, or the Rent", – stated in the paper.
the front-runner in this group are Berlin, Munich and Hamburg, with a price-Explosion of up to 200 percent since 2007.
The price of a gallop a result, in the case of the Alliance in 2017, 33 percent of mortgage customers had a net household income of at least 4000 euros a month. FOCUS Online construction loans-comparison (display) Directly to the computer
aid noticeably
The report rise is evidence of the current Trends with Numbers of Bernd Hertweck, Chairman of the Executive Board of the Association of Private building societies. In 2000, the home Builder would have used average of 14 years to have the necessary equity as a savings account. In the year 2015 is already 24 years had been necessary.
The Maximum amount of the housing bonus was introduced in 1996, and since then, they remain unchanged. Despite a 41 percent higher average income earner not going to come low when you Save the real estate price bubble you can’t stand a Chance. to find
a way out of the Dilemma would have to communicate the Grand coalition on new aid. For this purpose, three main conditions would have to be raised:
income limit maximum eligible savings contribution rate of support
Only the rate of low-income earners would for residential property increase. Critics complained That would cost the Finance Minister several billion euros. However, in the face of soon rising again, the mortgage interest of money, even with the new Baukinder the plight of otherwise difficult-to-fix.
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In the FOCUS Online/Wochit Where to Buy still cheaper than Renting is a condominium mbe baukinder money housing premium is worth it, a Savings and loan employee savings allowance