The government is launching a consultation to laquonbspreacutenovernbspraquo schooling eacutelegraveves handicapeacutes
The government is launching a consultation to laquonbspreacutenovernbspraquo schooling eacutelegraveves handicapeacutes

What is the status for the families of students with disabilities ? What training for the teachers ? How to respond to the anger of some parents ? The government launched on Monday 22 October, a consultation aimed at “renewing” of the support measures for pupils with special needs during their schooling.

Accompanying the absent or part-time, lack of space in structures, waiting lists and endless, which oblige parents to keep their child : the difficulties encountered by hundreds, or even thousands, of schoolchildren with disabilities are subject, in each academic year, many alerts ‘ associations. And this one is no exception to the rule.

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The minister of national education, Jean-Michel Blanquer, and the secretary of State for people with disabilities, Sophie Cluzel, presented the stakes of this consultation, which was announced in the month of July, before members of the national advisory Council of disabled persons (CNCPH), representative of families, associations, communities, and trade union and professional organisations. It will aim to “renovate the system for supporting students with disabilities to avoid out-of course,” said Mrs. Cluzel, who had declined the three main axes of work :

expected of parents and associations.The job of accompanying the child in situation of disability (AESH).The experimentation of the poles inclusive of accompanying localized. The government promises of the “ad strong”

On the first two, the secretary of State has promised the “ad strong” on February 11, 2019, a date that coincides with the anniversary of the 2005 act which introduced a right to schooling for all children and young people with disabilities. The third, which is to create clusters “inclusive” pooling at establishment level the human, physical and therapeutic, should lead to the development, in the spring, a “vade-mecum” delivered to all of the academies for the deployment of the first “pole” in September 2019, said Mr Blanquer.

Almost 340 000 children with disabilities are educated in a mainstream school, over half of which require a specific support. And 80 000 children are enrolled in institutions of medico-social expertise.


On this topic, the deputy of The France insubordinate François Ruffin lashed out at his colleagues from the Republic in The market (RMLS) in the national Assembly, on 12 October. While the parliamentary majority have decided to block elements of a bill of the deputy of The Republican Aurélien Pradié for ” the inclusion of students with disabilities “, Mr. Ruffin has launched in the parliament : “This vote will stick to the skin like a disgrace. “

” We have in the country, of women, of thousands of women, who accompany the children with disabilities in schools. For this job, they are under-paid, 600 euros, 700 euros, below the poverty line, with contracts ultra-precarious, without training, without qualification. To change it, since the beginning of your mandate, what bill have you worn ? Nothing. No. “

For his part, Mr Pradié had blasted the “contempt” of the deputies LRM. His bill included a unique status ” of accompanying education for inclusion “, which is better paid, for the auxiliary school life (AVS) or the accompanying of students in situation of handicap (AESH). It also aimed to “de-silo” the support between school and extra-curricular. Mr. Blanquer had recognized that the text included “well-understood items of interest” on this ” government priority “, while refusing to be ” caricatured as someone who does not see the current difficulties and areas for improvement “.