The Pro League is writing a manual at you can take spreekkoren
The Pro League is writing a manual at you can take spreekkoren

as for The Pro League has developed a guideline which is a Belgian football clubs to help in their fight against the discriminatory spreekkoren in the stadium. The association of the 24 professional clubs on Thursday announced. “We want to make room for the positive, inclusive values, of the Belgium soccer property.”

“and Cheer when a goal is scored, to swear by a false pass, and the team, to encourage, to the final whistle. Football is fun, and cheer with a passion, not a necessity. This comprises offensive and discriminatory remarks made against the opponent, however, is not a place,” says the Pro League, in a press release.

as for The Pro League, in February of 2018 in its action plan against racism and the discriminatory spreekkoren. The Clubs were, therefore, obliged to pro-actively search for violators. The Bondsparket was given the task to professional clubs directly in front of the competent tuchtorganen day for each violation. For the supporters who will still be able to bezondigden to take spreekkoren were mandatory training is introduced. It is also a moral element that has been removed from the bondsreglement, which each contain spreekkoor give it to those people.

the club also has a preventive effect on support promised for the Pro League except for training, are also useful for educational purposes. That is, in the form of a newly-developed guide, Discriminatory, and offensive spreekkoren and expressions, which are active will be available for amateur football clubs and other sports. On the 13th of november, in the Pro League, there was a seminar on which all interested persons are attended to can be found. At that point, even the manual suggests.

the speakers will be on the 13th of november to share their insights and experiences to share, including Ignaas Devisch (Professor of Philosophy, Ghent university), Filip Boen (Professor of sport and bewegingspsychologie, catholic university of Leuven (belgium), Margot Chave (Ligue de Football Professionnel) and the German Matthias De Roover (Mr. Gay Belgium, and amateurvoetballer). A debate between Olivier Labarre (director of the Voetbalcel), players, and fans, Pierre François, CEO of the Pro League will finally enter into the experiences and issues of discrimination in football stadiums.

over The last few weeks has been a lot of ink flowed about the issue of racism in the European fields. For example, there were discriminatory incidents during the Bulgaria-England, to which the Bulgarian fans, including nazi salutes us, but there is also the opinion that a couple of years ago said in the direction of the Red Devil Romelu Lukaku at Inter.