When we get up every morning for a job that we no longer like, it is difficult to stay motivated. This situation can quickly come to haunt our daily lives, sometimes even into the private sphere. Indeed, well-being at work is of paramount importance. However, it is often neglected by both employers and employees.
Faced with this, many people decide to engage in a professional retraining process in order to find a job that suits them better. When this decision is made, many tracks can be observed and all horizons seem possible.
For this reason, it is common to see people starting a business after being employed for their entire life. It can be a great lifestyle choice. Indeed, despite the risks and problems that entrepreneurship can present, it is a worthwhile adventure with many benefits.
The SumUp company carried out a survey of 505 French entrepreneurs. Its goal is to understand the main advantages that entrepreneurship can present through the eyes of the first concerned.
Thus, the survey reveals that 40% of respondents consider that being your own boss is the main advantage of entrepreneurship. “Being autonomous, in the choice of workplace for example, allows you to adapt to your unique work style,” the study explains.
Indeed, it offers a certain freedom which is also one of the main assets.
When you are your own boss, there is no one above you to impose hours or a workplace on you. Only you and your motivation are kings. Thus, 29% of those surveyed believe that the flexibility of working hours is the greatest advantage of entrepreneurship. “People over the age of 55 value this aspect the most, with more than half (52%) saying it is the most enjoyable aspect of life. entrepreneurial life”, specifies the company.
Similarly, of all entrepreneurs surveyed, 21% appreciate being able to work from home, the office or any place that suits them best. Here again, entrepreneurs over the age of 55 (35%) place the most importance on this aspect.
Creating a business requires a significant human investment. This is why they are 28% to consider that seeing their efforts pay off by seeing their business grow is one of the greatest advantages of entrepreneurship. This feeling is, however, much more ingrained in those who have the most experience. Conversely, those with less than a year of experience pay little attention to it.
As the business grows, revenue increases. Thus, managing your business also allows you to acquire financial autonomy. According to SumUp, this corresponds to the “ability for an individual to no longer be dependent on a job for a living and to do what they are truly passionate about.” This criterion is considered one of the main advantages by almost a quarter (23%) of French entrepreneurs.
Creating a business involves risks and a significant personal investment. However, it is a decision that also has its share of advantages that may be important to consider.