resim 13
resim 13

Due to a lack of personnel, the emergency services are facing an unprecedented crisis. The cause: the hospital is facing “many non-renewed contracts while the number of patients has increased by 50% in two years”, as indicated by BFMTV.

In a letter addressed to the Minister of Health, Brigitte Bourguignon, the association Samu-Urgences de France (SUdF), alerted the government to the seriousness of the situation, which is not limited to emergencies: “All, caregivers, directors of establishments, CH and CHU, confirm that this crisis is of an unequaled scale, that it does not only affect emergency structures but that this failure of this first line will have disastrous repercussions on the whole of the French hospital and healthcare system.”

On May 18, 2022, the association identified more than 120 emergency services which were forced to “limit their activity or are preparing for it”, as reported by France Info.

If one can believe that this situation only affects medical deserts, it is not. 14 of the 32 largest French hospitals (CHU and CHR) are on this list.

These latest indicators “suggest, from this summer, a real health disaster”, insists the SUdF association.

In the slideshow below, find the departments most affected* by this emergency crisis.

Tuesday May 31, 2022, Emmanuel Macron was traveling to the Cherbourg hospital center (Manche), alongside the Minister of Health, Brigitte Bourguignon. On this occasion, the Head of State announced the establishment of a “flash mission”, “one month on unscheduled care”. It will be headed by François Braun, head of emergencies at CHR Metz-Thionville and president of the SUdF association.

This mission will make it possible to draw up “a very concrete assessment of the situation of the emergency systems”.

The objective displayed by the President of the Republic is as follows: “to provide very strong responses to consolidate our emergencies”, starting this summer.

*Based on data from Samu-Urgences de France, reported by BFMTV.