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The French women and men had almost “forgotten” its existence. After two years spent fighting the Covid-19 coronavirus, the epidemic now seemed far behind us. Some experts, including Olivier Guérin, member of the Scientific Council but head of the autonomy and aging rehabilitation center of the Nice University Hospital, are not surprised by this capacity for resilience of the French population. Only here, he explains in the columns of Nice-Matin: the situation is now worrying. “The Covid-19 is coming back, and will come back again”, he warns in front of the microphones of our colleagues. Worse still: the executive could, according to him, be forced to “draw the consequences”. In other words, he suspects the return of certain restrictive measures…

The fact is that the epidemiological situation is not good. Weeks after the lifting of the last health measures, as Midi Libre reminds us on its site, France is facing a real rebound in the epidemic. So much so that many experts today wonder – and fear! – the emergence of a seventh wave of contamination. Several potential problems can be important sources of concern; including staff shortages that threaten the hospital. More information about this in our slideshow, which you will find at the end of this article.

“All the ingredients for the situation to become dramatic”, judge for his part Olivier Guérin, for Nice Matin.

A considerably more alarmist position than that of the Elysée can be, as evidenced by the latest statements by Olivier Véran. The former Minister of Health, now a spokesperson for the government, did not express any particular concerns about the rise in the epidemic observed. What the opposition did not fail to criticize… “I think the reasons are political. We wanted to exclude the Covid from the electoral period and the debates between candidates, in particular during the presidential election, but in reality the virus does not does not disappear. We are now paying the consequences,” said Bernard Jomier, a related PS senator from Paris in Public-Sénat.