Before giving yourself a snack break, check that your cookies are not among the many products recalled recently. Indeed, the government site Rappel Conso recently recalled a dozen sweet pancakes, cookies, petit-beurre, filled cigarettes and sweets of all kinds. The cause ? The potential presence of allergens not mentioned on the label, namely: peanuts, gluten, milk, eggs, nuts, soy and sesame seeds. People allergic to these products could therefore consume these biscuits without knowing that they represent a danger for them.
Check the cupboards in your kitchen: there are batches of biscuits from different brands, namely: Bijou, Carrefour Original (sold at Carrefour stores), Auchan (sold in Auchan stores), and Sondey (sold at Lidl) . They were all marketed between March and June 2022 in the four corners of France, and must be returned to the store as soon as possible in order to obtain a refund. In our slideshow below, find out if any of the products you recently put in your shopping cart are affected by the recall.
If you have any of the cookies listed in our slideshow in your kitchen, do not consume them or use them in your cooking. Consumers who hold these products are invited to return them to the store in order to obtain a refund.
Please note: the end dates of the recall procedure are not the same for all brands: you have until Sunday July 17 for Auchan biscuits, the same for Carrefour, until August 9 for Sondey biscuits, until to and until Thursday, July 21 for Bijou biscuits. Note: the last brand, Bijou, does not offer refunds but only exchanges.