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resim 6

It hits the French women and men in the wallet. And she does it with more and more fury! The rise in consumer prices, more commonly known as inflation, is explained by a series of factors. The war in Ukraine and the climatic conditions observed in a certain number of France’s partner countries are mechanically blocking the production of several raw materials… leading de facto to a sharp increase in prices and sometimes even shortages. In June 2022, it rose by 5.8% compared to last year, according to the latest estimates, recalls Midi Libre on its site.

Faced with this particularly detrimental phenomenon for consumers and savers, the executive is planning a package of measures supposed to preserve everyone’s purchasing power. The latter must be presented in detail at the beginning of July and be the subject of a bill before being finally analyzed by the newly elected parliamentarians. The absence of an absolute majority in favor of the President of the Republic could also prove problematic…

Inflation, recalls Capital on its site, is never without impact on savings. It gnaws at the socks of French men and women who put their money aside and makes certain savings products strictly unsuitable. Their real yield no longer being sufficient to counter the rise in prices… they no longer bring in anything.

Unfortunately, this is the case for many of the favorite investments of our fellow citizens. All regulated booklets, for example, are concerned. That being said, their profitability should increase in August, to take this phenomenon into account. Thus, the Livret A and the LDDS should go to a remuneration of 2% when that of the LEP could climb up to 4.55%.

Discover, in our slideshow below, the good reflexes to continue to preserve your capital, even on vacation.