It’s hard to get rid of it completely. Every time you go on vacation, the risk is the same: French men and women who are not vigilant enough expose themselves to the dangerous voracity of charlatans. Crooks, it is clear, do not take time off. On the contrary ! They often take advantage of the summer period to attack the bank account of holidaymakers. Obviously, some operating methods are quite timeless… As may be the case with the bank check scam recently implemented by a Héraultais to whom Midi Libre devotes an article, for example.
However, it is important to specify that some of these techniques are only used during the summer period… or at the very least that they are more effective at this time of the year. Who has never heard of the great classics of the holiday route scam? More information on this subject in our slideshow that you will find below, at the conclusion of our article.
Since modus operandi can vary widely from one scam to another, it is difficult to provide relevant but general advice. That being said, that does not mean that there is no general trick to protect yourself against the loss of your precious money during the summer.
In general, reminds Femme Actuelle on its site, it is advisable to call on its vigilance. Using caution and common sense – which sometimes involves calling the authorities in case of doubt, or going through legal procedures in the event of an accident, for example – helps to protect yourself from many lost euros. Do not hesitate either to be suspicious and to demand to see the professional identity card or the registration number of the professionals who are likely to solicit you. Whatever happens, never give out your bank details.