Strawberry or lemon, vanilla or chocolate, 61% of French people consider ice cream to be their favorite dessert, according to a TNS Direct study for the Syndicate of industrial manufacturers of ice cream, sorbets and ice cream. In summer, they are certainly one of the little pleasures of gourmets, but like any food, ice cream can be subject to contamination. It is therefore necessary to know how to keep up to date and always pay attention to brand announcements, at the risk that these dear delicacies cause some health concerns. This is the case for the Häagen-Dazs 95 ml, 460 ml, 650 ml and vanilla collection tubs of vanilla ice cream. They have been voluntarily recalled by the brand because traces of ethylene oxide have been identified, higher than those authorized by European legislation in one of the ingredients used in the composition of the products concerned, according to the Rappel Conso website. .
The recalled lots correspond to the following products, the official platform said:
It is therefore not recommended to consume this product. It is necessary to contact the consumer service and destroy the product because it would be possible, if consumption, to be contaminated by other chemical agents.
Don’t worry, however, since it will always be possible to go to one of the supermarkets listed below to obtain a refund for the batches returned. On the other hand, the recall measure only takes into account the vanilla flavor of the Häagen-Dazs brand, the other flavors of the brand remaining healthy. Here is the list of supermarket distributors affected by the recall, according to Rappel Conso. The points of sale are distributed throughout the territory.