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Star of household products, baking soda is, as Leroy Merlin points out, a real “magic powder”. Able to descale any surface or to suck up odors from the ashtray, this white powder is one of the leading cleaning products for cleaning your home. It can be used as a cleaner, disinfectant, descaler and deodorizer all at the same time.

Baking soda or NaHCO3 is a very fine white powder that has antacid and abrasive properties. Both of these properties are useful for degreasing and dissolving dirt. This miracle powder, as Seko explains, is 100% biodegradable and environmentally friendly. Above all, it is not toxic.

Be careful, however, to distinguish between baking soda, which can be used to replace baking powder for example, and technical baking soda, used to clean the house. The difference is a matter of fineness and purity of the powder. Technical baking soda will not be sieved and therefore less pure than food baking soda. It is therefore unfit for consumption.

In addition, its use is not only revealed in the maintenance of the house. It also has its place on the toothbrush: put a little baking soda on it to get rid of dental plaque. In addition, in the first aid kit, it is ideal for combating problems of gastric acidity. And when gargled, it removes bad breath.

This miracle powder is also particularly practical when it comes to sweeping away bad odors. Here is the list of tips for eliminating odors in the four corners of the house according to Leroy Merlin, Seko and Current Woman.