A roadside check gone wrong. A 25-year-old policewoman was hit by a two-wheeler on Saturday July 9, 2022 in the evening in Loiret. In Amilly, near Montargis, the emotion is still palpable, the representative of the order suffers from a double fracture to the tibia and a fracture of the nose. The driver of the scooter was identified by the police. He is actively sought.
Montargis public prosecutor Loïc Abrial said in a statement that the driver, who was not wearing a helmet, “refused to submit to checks and continued on his way”. He would then have “performed a maneuver with his scooter causing him to come back in the direction of the police”. By this dangerous gesture, the driver of the scooter then hit the policewoman on Saturday July 9, 2022, in the agglomeration of Montargis in the Loiret. She briefly lost consciousness before being taken care of by the firefighters and was transferred to Montargis hospital.
On Sunday July 10, the Loiret police notified on their Twitter account that the policewoman “was deliberately hit and thrown by the driver of a two-wheeler during a traffic check. A police officer told France 3 Centre-Val de Loire the same day that “in uniform, we are considered bowlers, not human beings. »
The young woman, who had just joined the Montargis police station, was hospitalized and suffered from a double tibia fracture and a broken nose. The public prosecutor clarified that the vital diagnosis of the policewoman in her twenties “is not committed but her injuries are considered serious”.
By fleeing, the driver also caused the fall of his passenger, a young underage girl who was arrested. Thanks to his testimony, the investigators were able to identify the driver of the scooter. The 18-year-old is from the agglomeration of Montargis. His vehicle was found abandoned on the edge of an embankment. An investigation was opened by the prosecution for attempted voluntary homicide against the fugitive.