The countdown begins. This is the end of receipts by default. From January 1, 2023, all traders will have to comply with the law: it will be forbidden in France to automatically print this little piece of paper. It can only be obtained on request, according to article 49 – LAW n ° 2020-105 of February 10, 2020 relating to the fight against waste and the circular economy.
Is this a good thing for the environment? According to estimates, 30 billion receipts would be saved in one year in France, says Capital. This would allow the reduction of water, wood and fossil energy necessary for its production. In addition, stopping its use would reduce the risk of contamination with bisphenol A, an endocrine disruptor present in its ink.
As an alternative to paper, dematerialization is already being considered by many brands. However, the use of an email is not necessarily beneficial. Indeed, “All these digital documents must be stored on the merchant’s servers and then in the recipient’s mailbox”, explains Frédéric Bordage, expert at Green IT for Capital. Leading to significant ecological costs.
According to Elphège Tignel, communication manager at the European Consumer Center France, the dematerialized ticket can be practical since storage is easy. On the other hand, it can aggravate the digital divide among those who already have difficulties using the Internet.
For professionals, it will strengthen their communication with their customers and improve their knowledge of their buyers. It is a gateway to targeted digital marketing. Are there any risks of losing money? Planet has made in the slideshow below, the list of pitfalls to avoid to deal with this novelty.