Who has never kept small pieces without really knowing what to do with them? They have the unfortunate tendency to weigh down the wallet without ever being particularly useful, or almost. And for good reason ! They are rarely necessary to finance the races or complete a somewhat expensive purchase. Moreover, it is generally frowned upon to tip them. Now, what to do ? Some people sometimes decide to store them before bringing them back to the bank to place them in their account. That being said, observe Notre Temps, this is not the only way to make a little money. It is also possible to go through the voucher terminals.
In fact, explain our colleagues, it is a machine capable of converting your small red coins into a voucher valid in most supermarkets. And the newspaper cites as an example some of the favorite companies of French men and women: Auchan, Leclerc, System U, Carrefour or Cora…
In practice, some 1100 terminals are listed on the territory and they are generally located at the entrance of the store concerned.
There are also two types of terminals: those erected by the American company Coinstar, which take a commission of 9.9% on the amount deposited, but which also allow you to recover your change on the voucher after having paid in checkout. However, you must spend the voucher in the store where the device is hosted. The other terminals, published by the French company Eurocycleur before its takeover in 2018, do not charge a commission and the vouchers can be used everywhere… within the limit of one month after their issue. And on condition that you agree not to receive any change on the purchase.