Tired of seeing the prices of train tickets increase inexorably? The Kidygo site could interest you and considerably reduce the cost of your SNCF journeys. The principle: parents pay part or all of your ticket if you keep their child on the train, reports franceinfo. In France, the site opened in 2015. More than 3,000 parents have already used this service, mainly in situations of separation or divorce.
Its operation is intended to be as simple as possible. Travelers register the train they want to take on the platform. For their part, parents can look for a potential companion for their child on the same train. Parents and travelers are then put in contact.
“It allows me to travel at a lower cost,” explains Maëlle, a student in Lyon, to our colleagues. The young woman is indeed regularly brought to go to Marseille, Paris or Bordeaux. This service therefore allows it to significantly reduce its train budget. She would even generally manage to obtain a totally free ticket, even if the parents are not forced to do so.
Each month, his registration on the site costs him 10 euros. But this amount is debited only if at least one trip is made during the month. Kidygo has a strict security policy. Maëlle had to present a photo, her identity card and a clean criminal record. A note is also assigned to it by the parents after each trip.
Still little known, this service is mainly used on the main railway routes that connect Paris to other major French cities. He joins Junior