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resim 181

It is, without a doubt, one of the favorite investments of savers. The success of life insurance is not surprising: it had everything to seduce French men and women, as the economist Jacques Bichot has already explained in our columns. Some argue, as is the case with Le Figaro, that it is one of the “essential components” of any well-executed heritage strategy. For the honorary member of the Economic and Social Council, life insurance is “a somewhat strange product at first, but which ended up making its mark”. And for good reason ! It has come to fill a void in French tools… and is particularly versatile. Some will use it to prepare their estate, others prefer to ensure a comfortable retirement. “It’s the good long-term investment of the good father”, simply slices the specialist. Provided, of course, that you know some of the mysteries… Summary!

Let us first remember, as the specialized site La Finance pour Tous explains, that the money placed on a life insurance contract is always available. It is possible to recover it in three different ways, depending on the type of income you want to ensure. Whatever the path chosen, it is always more interesting to wait eight years before buying back your contract, in order to benefit from the best possible taxation.

From there, it is possible to opt for:

Naturally, each of these options has various advantages and should be considered in different circumstances. So, full buyout is relevant for anyone who needs to unlock all the money placed on the contract and doesn’t think it will be passed on in the future. This is an opportunity to recover a lot of money at once, which can be relevant to finance the acquisition of a residence, for example.

The partial redemption allows you to continue investing without losing its advantages but does not offer the possibility of recovering as much money, proportionally, to the total redemption.

Finally, the conversion into a life annuity is particularly intelligent once you reach retirement. However, it amounts to accepting the absence of transmission of the sums recovered… since the savings simply no longer belong to the insured. But it is the assurance of a guaranteed monthly income supplement for life.

To unlock life insurance of which you are the beneficiary after the death of the subscriber, you must first contact the insurer. He then has, informs AG2R La Mondiale, 15 days to request the documents relating to the constitution of the file. These include the death certificate of the subscriber, the bank details of the beneficiary as well as a document attesting to his identity or a tax certificate.

From the receipt of the file, the insurer has one month to pay the capital to the beneficiaries.