The beginnings of a new wave? Throughout August, the epidemic situation continued to improve on French territory. During the week of August 29 to September 4, this dynamic continued, as confirmed by the weekly report from Public Health France.
Indeed, the incidence rate continued to decline in almost all regions while hospital admissions followed the same path. However, among the youngest, the incidence stabilizes with even a slight increase for children aged 0 to 9 years.
However, the start of the school year could encourage contamination with the mixing of students and teaching teams as well as confinement in classrooms. Similarly, with the return of students to school, it is also adults who are massively returning to work, which could lead to a new phase of contamination.
All this mixing is also reflected in public transport which was, in most areas, less frequented during the holidays.
If all this can present risks, the indicators are not however alarming at the national level since the incidence rate has continued to decrease according to the latest data from Public Health France dated Monday, September 5.
However, in some departments, the situation has reversed and the incidence rate has increased at the start of the week. Discover the list of departments concerned in our slideshow.