June 1 marks the return of hot weather in France. Indeed, Météo-France and La Chaîne Météo agree that temperatures will continue to rise considerably for the beginning of June. However, this increase will also be accompanied by thunderstorms in several regions in France. Find out in our slideshow below if you are concerned about the good weather.
Like Wednesday, May 31, thunderstorms are gaining momentum, especially in the southern third. “The northeast wind persists along the English Channel and the North Sea with a fairly marked freshness”, announces the editorial staff of La Chaîne Météo. These winds will therefore still be present on Thursday, June 1st. The clouds will therefore invade a large part of the south of France.
“The situation will change little during these two days with very dry weather in the north and more cloudy weather in the south-west at the eastern borders where stormy showers will again be possible in the afternoon”, specifies the editorial staff of La Chaîne. Weather report. Nevertheless, it will be hot on the majority of French territory. For some departments, temperatures will reach 30°C. More generally, the latter will be between 23 and 30°C.
Nevertheless, the “thunderstorms will concern other regions of the central east, and, in general, all the mountains”, ends up concluding the editorial staff of La Chaîne Météo. On Friday, these showers are likely to spread to the central regions of the country. But these rains should not gain more ground. It will always be hot with temperatures equal to seasonal norms. Discover in our slideshow below the departments affected by strong heat on June 1, 2023.