On April 13, 2023, the tax declaration campaign was launched by the tax administration. The latter ended on Thursday, June 8 for departments ranging from 55 to 974 and 976 (La Reunion and Mayotte). However, it is not enough to validate the automatic form within the imposed deadlines, but also to complete it correctly. Discover in our slideshow below the points to be corrected.
But if you still haven’t corrected and/or validated it, you risk receiving penalties. Indeed, according to the Public Service website, “if you declare your income late, you will have to pay penalties, an increase in your taxes and possibly interest on arrears”. If you declare your income late, your tax will be increased by 10%, 20% if filed within 30 days of the formal notice or 40% if the declaration has not been filed within 30 days. To avoid this, it is necessary to closely monitor the fiscal calendar.
However, if you completed your declaration in a hurry, to be sure to validate it on time, you can always modify it. Indeed, the income declaration platform remains accessible until June 28, 2023. However, this will not protect you from possible penalties due to the changes made.
When you make a correction to your automatic declaration, the Directorate General of Public Finances (DGFiP) must carry out a corrective assessment. Thus, you will receive two tax notices with a payment in two installments rather than one. The first will be available at the end of July on the platform. Change your declaration only if there are errors. If this is the case, you can discover in our slideshow below the important elements to correct according to MoneyVox.