Will the taxation of so-called ecological vehicles change? For several years now, the government has been encouraging the French to equip themselves with a zero-emission vehicle and to be part of an ecological transition objective. In the meantime, it has introduced a weight penalty for thermal vehicles deemed too polluting. But, according to information from Capital, this penalty could be extended to another type of engine.
Present on the set of Europe 1 this Monday, June 19, 2023, the Minister Delegate for Transport Clément Beaune indicated that the debate was open. Indeed, 100% electric and hybrid vehicles are targeted by a possible extension of this famous tax on mass in running order (TMOM).
In 2020, the government unveiled the roadmap for this penalty applied by a gradual tightening. At the same time, the threshold has thus fallen from 138 grams of CO2 per kilometer to 123 g/km. Since January 1, 2022, the TMOM is triggered when a thermal vehicle exceeds 1,800 kg. It is set at 10 euros per kg beyond this weight. For a 1,900 kg vehicle, you have to pay 1,000 euros, double that for a 2-tonne vehicle and up to 7,000 euros for a 2,500 kg vehicle.
Another important point which could concern thousands of motorists: “the tax on the mass in running order is capped in 2023 at 50,000 euros by adding the CO2 penalty and the weight penalty”, as indicated by the ministry’s website inside.
For Emmanuel Macron, this change will make it possible to favor certain lighter vehicles, which consume less fuel and are part of climate change. “It will also fill the coffers of the State in the same movement, an advantage certainly less assumed, but just as attractive”, explains Le Figaro.
In the meantime, discover in our slideshow below, which could be the 100% electric and hybrid models targeted by the government.