resim 1787
resim 1787

The water restrictions put in place concern both industry and agriculture, but also domestic uses. Indeed, the watering of your garden or vegetable patch may be limited or even prohibited depending on your municipality of residence. This is also the case for washing your car and filling your swimming pool.

In the event of non-compliance with the water restrictions put in place, you may expose yourself to financial penalties. Indeed, a fine of 1500 euros, or even 3000 euros in the event of a repeat offence, could be given to you if you do not respect the rules decided by the municipalities.

There are four different levels of drought alert in France which are: Vigilance, Alert, Enhanced Alert, and Crisis. As Propluvia, the website of the Ministry of Ecological Transition’s water restriction decrees, informs us, here are the restrictions put in place by the prefectures according to the four levels of alert:

Find in our slideshow, available below, all the departments affected by the drought, listed by level of alert.