resim 2045
resim 2045

The IEG (Electrical and Gas Industries) bring together companies that carry out, in France, activities of production, transport or even distribution of electricity and gas. Different calculation methods are in place for this sector with specific conditions. Find out how to calculate your IEG pension.

To calculate the IEG pension, the formula “Reference salary x 75% x Number of quarters contributed x coefficient discount or premium x coefficient increase for children” must be applied. It should be noted that the pension, excluding the child increase and premium, cannot exceed 75% of the reference salary. Including the increase and the bonus, it must remain at 100% of the reference salary. It is the reference salary held for at least 6 months, which serves as the basis for calculating the pension. Regarding the length of service, specific periods can be integrated, in particular additional quarters of “bonuses”, knowing that the number of quarters required increases over the years.

The discount or the premium are, for their part, added according to the duration of the insurance. For the discount, it is a count of missing quarters, which is carried out, with a penalty as a percentage of the pension. However, the discount is capped at 20 quarters. It does not apply to disabled employees with a permanent incapacity of at least 50%, nor to disabled employees placed on inactivity. The premium is, for its part, a coefficient which increases the rate of the pension. You must have reached the legal retirement age to benefit from it and have exceeded the required insurance period. It is set at 1.25% per additional quarter.