Does your fruit rot quickly in your fridge? You don’t know how to keep them longer? Don’t panic, we’ve compiled the best tips for you to extend their storage time. Go to our slideshow, available below, to discover the five simple and effective actions to adopt to keep your fruit edible longer.
In case you want to improve the preservation of your fruits, because you will be away from home for a certain period of time, nothing better than freezing them. Indeed, whether you decide to leave for a week, or a whole month, your fruits will preserve their nutrients and their taste qualities. You can enjoy them whenever you want for up to 8 to 10 months. When the opportunity arises, move your fruit from your freezer to your refrigerator to allow it to thaw gently.
It is very common to have eyes bigger than your stomach when it comes to shopping day. However, it is really important to buy only what is necessary, in order to reduce food waste. Bring a list, paper or electronic, when you do your shopping, so you don’t buy too much. Indeed, it often happens that the fruits deteriorate, because we have not managed the quantity well during our purchases. So, prefer to buy them in small quantities.
Discover the five best tips to improve the conservation of your fruits in the fridge in our slideshow, available below.