resim 1169
resim 1169

The time has come. After many weeks of rumours, the Prime Minister, confirmed in her duties by the President of the Republic on Monday, will – finally – carry out a reshuffle of the government. Elisabeth Borne has been responsible for making some “adjustments” which should take effect this Thursday, July 20, 2023. According to a government communicator, “we are moving more towards a “technical” reshuffle to change ministers in difficulty rather than a major upheaval”, reports RTL. As places open up, could you become a minister?

“You have to keep in mind that a minister is not a job: there are no compulsory studies to enter the government”, explains Julien Nény, journalist at franceinfo. Thus, ministers can come from the political world, from the senior civil service or from civil society.

“We can define three profiles of ministers: political ministers, who have been elected for years, “techno” ministers, never elected, but who work in senior administration and therefore know well how the state works, and civil society ministers, who have no connection with politics, but who are experts in a specific field, “says Julien Nény.

So, in theory, anyone can become a minister. Everyone ? Almost. Certain criteria must be met by any aspiring minister. The State is responsible for verifying them and, in the event of a breach, does not hesitate to categorically refuse such and such a person. This is why some prospective future ministers ultimately never accede to this office. Discover in the slideshow below all the checkboxes to become a minister.