Anger over the conference in Cologne The Ditib and their understanding of normality
Anger over the conference in Cologne The Ditib and their understanding of normality

a couple of days Ago Josef Wirges, the district mayor of Köln-Ehrenfeld, met with members of the management Board of the German-Turkish Ditib, the shards aufzufegen, which were caused by the appearance of the Turkish President in the fall. Recep Tayyip Erdogan had opened at the end of September, the Ditib Central mosque in Ehrenfeld; representatives of the Cologne city, company, or Federal and state politicians were not present. It was an Ego-Show for Erdogan, who uses every opportunity to present himself as the leader of the Muslims.

Pure Burger

Political correspondent in North Rhine-Westphalia.

F. A. Z.

In December, had assured him the Ditib, however, that you would be interested in a return to normality, reported a social Democrat, Wirges, who is also a member of the Mosque Committee. At the end of January there should be, therefore, a conversation between a few days ago, newly-elected Ditib Board of Directors and the non-party of Cologne, Lord mayor of Henriette Reker.

Reker “irritated” about the event

The more astonished Wirges and Reker are about what the Ditib holds all appearance for normal: From Wednesday to Friday, the organization held in its Central mosque, under the title “The future of Muslims in Europe” is a great Islamic conference, to the 100 persons from 17 countries took part. According to the Ditib, it was nothing less than a “Meeting of the European Muslims”, which will in future take place every two years.

Public, the event was widespread, however, until after the end of a press release in which the Ditib on Friday, the elongated final Declaration of Ali Erbas. The Erdogan-Familiar is the President of the state religious authority Diyanet in Ankara, the Ditib and its roughly 900 mosque congregations in Germany. The closed event you will be irritated “very,” says mayor Reker at the request of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (F. A. Z.).

in September, the Ditib Reker had snubbed. At the mosque opening Reker had wanted to hold a speech. But then the mayor of the Ditib with their chaotic, intransparent planning was hold on for so long, until you ditched her to Come unnerved.