Retail chains agree Soon uniform animal welfare seal of approval in all super markets
Retail chains agree Soon uniform animal welfare seal of approval in all super markets

to tell The consumers in Germany in the future easier when buying Meat on the living conditions of the animals for slaughter. The major German food retailers such as Edeka, Rewe, Aldi and Lidl in the future, use a uniform System for posture identification in bovine animals and pig meat as well as poultry, such as the Initiative for animal welfare (ITW) announced on Friday.

From the 1. April should be introduced in the System in stages – first, in the case of packaged products. The Background: Many of the retail chains had begun in the last few months with the introduction of their own labelling systems in terms of animal husbandry. But this was for the consumer because of the inconsistency of the identification sometimes confusing.

“Premium” and “organic” will be on a common level

now, from the Initiative of animal welfare developed System consists of four stages The 1. A level of “Stable” corresponds to only the legal requirements. Meat, which is characterized with the level 2 “housing plus” that ensures the animals, among other things, more space and additional employment material. Level 3 “the external climate” guarantees that the animals more space and fresh air contact. At level 4, “Premium”, you also have the Outlet in the Outdoors. Also organic Meat is classified in this stage.