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A vacation in Greece turned into a nightmare: Instead of relaxing by the pool, a family had to deal with food poisoning. 

A family from Great Britain had a horror vacation. Because instead of recovering in Rhodes, Greece, the father and two sons even had to go to the hospital. This is reported by the “Manchester Evening News”. 

The family had booked an all-inclusive vacation. But after just a few days, the dream of a nice break was shattered. The two sons (7, 5) became ill. “As soon as they took a sip of water, it came right back up,” said mother Melissa, 30, according to the Manchester Evening News.

Four days after arrival they had to go to the hospital. The children needed infusions. They had a greenish, gray color, reports Melissa. It was also said to have been confirmed in the hospital that it was food poisoning. Then the next shock: Melissa’s husband Bradley (28) collapsed in the hospital. He was also put on a drip.

According to the “Federal Association of Food Inspectors in Germany” (BVLK), food poisoning occurs “through the consumption of food that has been spoiled by poisons or pathogens (such as bacteria)”. Symptoms include stomach pain, diarrhea and vomiting. 

Back at the hotel they became ill again. Finally, the family flew home on May 22nd – even though the vacation wasn’t actually over yet. The flights, medication and hospital stay cost the family 1,000 pounds (around 1,200 euros). “It was a nightmare,” said the 30-year-old about the vacation.

A family from Lower Austria was also disappointed with their vacation – one child even got injured. They spent their vacation in a five-star hotel in Egypt. There were a few things to criticize about your hotel. Among other things, according to the father, only two of the seven pools were filled. There were also loose pool tiles. A child is said to have been injured as a result.

A couple from the USA also got a shock after their vacation in Switzerland. They received a cell phone bill for $143,000.