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The video of Nazi chants from Sylt has been causing a stir in Germany for days. Now it is clear: the clip was filmed by Juri B. But it was not he himself who released the video to the public.

“Germany for the Germans. Foreigners out.” With this song, several revelers on Sylt caused a scandal. One of the people singing along: Juri B. He is filming the event and can be heard on the recording at the same time. He is standing right next to his girlfriend Elisa Maria K., who is smiling and shouting xenophobic slogans into the camera.

As the “Bild” newspaper reports, there is a video of Juri B. filming the clip. Before he dances on a hill himself. Then he picks up his cell phone. After filming, according to “Bild”, you can see his girlfriend snuggling up to him and laughing.

As the paper further writes, Juri B. did not distribute the video himself. It is said to have found its way to the public via a chat group of celebrants.

This had consequences for some of the group. Elisa Maria K. lost her job as assistant to the influencer Milena Karl, who distanced herself from the events in very clear words. And Juri B. also lost his consulting job at a medium-sized company. His former employer told “Bild”: “We are shocked by the disgusting content of the video. When the incident became known, we reacted immediately and terminated the employee without notice.”

Juri B. is said to come from an educated family from Munich. According to “Bild”, his father is the managing director of nine companies.